The Western Cape People's Bill is landmark piece of legislation that will fundamentally change our relationship with the corrupt, national ANC government and put us on the pathway to achieving greater devolution, federalism and ultimately Cape independence. The Freedom Front Plus in the provincial parliament supports the legislation, however it will require the province's governing party, the Democratic Alliance, to support it as well. The DA claims they support federalism, therefore we expect that they should be supporting this bill, as it will be the best interest in the people of the Cape, who yearn for greater autonomy and freedom. We need YOUR help: Here is a list of all your DA Members of the Provincial Parliament (MPPs). Contact them, make your voice heard and let them know that YOU want them to #TakeControl by passing the Western Cape People's Bill.
Name | Contact Number | |
Premier Alan Winde | lucille.fester@westerncape.gov | 021 483 4705 |
Reagen Allen | juliet.stone-duplessis@westercape.gov.za | 021 483 3871 |
Derrick America | derrick.america@wcpp.gov.za | 021 487 1848 |
Deidré Baartman | deidre.baartman@wcpp.gov.za | 021 487 1844 |
Gillion Bosman | gillion.bosman@wcpp.gov.za | 021 487 1849 |
Anton Bredell | magdalena.griesel@westerncape.gov.za | 021 483 3915 |
Sharna Fernandez | delorees.kotze@westerncape.gov.za | 021 483 3858 |
Christopher Fry | Chris.mario.fry@gmail.com | 084 701 9651 |
Wendy Kaizer-Philander | wendy.philander@wcpp.gov.za | 021 487 1845 |
Ricardo Mackenzie | ricardo.mackenzie@wcpp.gov.za | 078 564 5341 |
Anroux Marais | johannes.bouwer@westerncape.gov.za | 021 483 9800 |
Matlhodi Maseko | matlhodi.maseko@wcpp.gov.za | 021 487 1748 |
David Maynier | chandre.pienaar@westerncape.gov.za | 021 483 6574 |
French Mbombo | unathi.mayinje@westerncape.gov.za | 021 483 5417 |
Ivan Meyer | charmaine.devos@westerncape.gov.za | 021 483 3531 |
Daylin Mitchell | speaker@wcpp.gov.za | 021 487 1601 |
Cayla Murray | cayla.murray@wcpp.gov.za | 021 487 1935 |
Dan Plato | Dan.Plato01@gmail.com | 079 432 2719 |
Gerrit Pretorius | None available | 021 487 1770 |
Beverley Schäfer | beverley.schafer@wcpp.gov.za | 021 487 1746 |
Isaac Sileku | Isaac.sileku@wcpp.gov.za | 021 487 1783 |
Tertuis Simmers | carmen.hartnick@westerncape.gov.za | 021 483 4466 |
Andricus Van der Westhuizen | andricus.vanderwesthuizen@wcpp.gov.za | 021 487 1783 |
Mireille Wenger | rushka.brenner@westerncape.gov.za | 021 483 4700 |